Careful and Careless Tasks, 2017
Performative instructions
Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to live together, and sharing the unknown, 2017, action, workshop, and video documentation
At the entrance of BAK, visitors receive a handout titled Careful and Careless Tasks with instructions, penned for the occasion by artist Koki Tanaka. The artist invites the audience to reflect on smaller or bigger gestures of their everyday lives, those that affect collectivity and our relationships with one another, impacting the overall atmosphere of the gathering. Following his interest in the relationships between human beings in the most diverse contexts and scenarios, this new work is inspired by the “I Care” sign that was hanging in a classroom of educator and priest Don Lorenzo Milani’s School of Barbiana, Barbiana, founded in the 1950s, in opposition to the fascist slogan “I Don’t Care.”
Part of Propositions #1: What We Mean.