Discursive, Conversation

7 October 2017, 15.00-16.00

Autonomous Infrastructure and Stories of Hospitality

View of tent settlement in Çınar camp, Diyarbakir, 2016, photo: Pelin Tan

What forms of autonomous infrastructure (e.g., in some refugee camps, common kitchens) can become processes, tools, methodologies, strategies for decolonizing? How can we share and explore meanings and understandings of the current lived realities of “hospitality”? How can radical praxis allow for hospitality to become unconditional?

BAK 2017–2018 Fellows Pelin Tan as well as Isshaq Al-Barbary and Diego Segatto of Campus in Camps engage in a discussion that relates to our current times of nomadic dwelling and to living conditions in cities and contested territories capable of sustaining decolonized infrastructure.

Part of Propositions #1: What We Mean.

Suggestions from the archive


8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
