
30 January–01 May 2016

Unstated (or, Living Without Approval)

  • Aernout Mik, Untitled, 2013

  • Société Réaliste, Universal Anthem, 2013

  • Nicoline van Harskamp, Reading Anarchism, 2016. Photo: Tom Janssen

  • Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Language Gulf in the Shouting Valley, 2013

  • Hito Steyerl, Duty Free Art

  • Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency (DAAR), Common Assembly

  • Photo: Manette Ingenegeren

  • Demonstration in Amude on 31 October 2015, Cezîre Canton, Rojava. Photo: Jonas Staal

Unstated (or, Living Without Approval)—part exhibition; part site for gathering, learning, and exchange—brings together perspectives from the geopolitical pressure points of various forms of statelessness. From Rojava to Palestine to Greece to the refugees in limbo in the Netherlands, the “unstated”—out of sync with the state: unable or unwilling to comply with its extant forms and demands—bear witness to their condition as one of both violent struggle and cautious possibility.

Unstated is inaugurated by the New World Summit, an artistic and political organization founded by artist Jonas Staal, convened for its sixth iteration under the title Stateless Democracy. An accompanying installation at BAK provides insights into the preceding summit in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan), 2015, including a maquette of the Parliament for the political model of democracy without state, currently in construction.

In parallel, Common Assembly by DAAR—a cross-section modeled on yet another parliament, this time from Palestine—provides a forum for works of art and discourse to unfold over the course of the project. If originally built, mistakenly or not, partially on Israeli territory and thus prevented from ever coming to life, it is temporarily reclaimed at BAK. Here, numerous conversations are convened at the junction of the artistic, educational, and political, from Reading Anarchism, reading groups convening around an anarchist library by Nicoline van Harskamp; to Here We Are Academy, in which the undeportable refugees of the We Are Here collective, together with Campus in Camps, set up a learning curriculum for artists and students around the question of representation; and to a series of sit-ins for rethinking the art institution in face of the challenges of the present, titled Instituting for the Contemporary. Between these gatherings, the works by Abdullah Abdul and Masun Hamo, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Aernout Mik, Société Réaliste, Hito Steyerl, and Stefanos Tsivopoulos continue the idea of assembly, including in their inquiry questions about the state of art itself. Articulating their arguments one by one, the paradoxes of the present crises meet an appeal to engage the multiple meanings in unstated, so as to offer a space through art for things to be stated in turn; a space where the right to voice one’s concern is coupled with an adjacent right for it to be heard.

With: Abdullah Abdul & Masun Hamo (Rojava); Lawrence Abu Hamdan (Beirut); Campus in Camps (Palestine); Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency (DAAR) (Palestine); Nicoline van Harskamp (Amsterdam); Aernout Mik (Amsterdam); New World Academy; New World Summit; Société Réaliste (Budapest/Paris); Hito Steyerl (Berlin); Stefanos Tsivopoulos (Athens); and We Are Here (Amsterdam). The project title refers to both the book Unstated:Writers on Scottish Independence (Ed. Scott Hames, Word Power Books: 2012), and the interview with Dilar Dirik conducted by Jonas Staal titled Living Without Approval, published in the New World Academy Reader #5: Stateless Democracy (Eds. Renée In der Maur and Jonas Staal, in dialogue with Dilar Dirik, BAK: 2015).

Unstated is conceptualized by BAK’s Maria Hlavajova and Lucy Lopez, in dialogue with Marion von Osten.


Common Assembly
Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency (DAAR)

Duty Free Art
Hito Steyerl

Geometry of Fear
Stefanos Tsivopoulos

Here We Are Academy
We Are Here & Campus in Camps

Instituting for the Contemporary

Language Gulf in the Shouting Valley
Lawrence Abu Hamdan

New World Summit, Rojava
Jonas Staal

Reading Anarchism
Nicoline van Harskamp

Universal Anthem
Société Réaliste

Aernout Mik

Untitled (Women from Rojava)
Abdullah Abdul & Masun Hamo


Reading group
17.02.2016 17.00 hrs
Reading Anarchism: Richard John Jones reads bædan & Yoonis Osman Nuur reads Emma Goldman

Reading group
24.02.2016 17.00 hrs
Reading Anarchism: Lise Autogena reads Bahrain Youth & Katja Sokolova reads Anonymous

Reading group
16.03.2016 17.00 hrs
Reading Anarchism: Maria Barnas reads Mustapha Khayati & Jonas Staal reads Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Öcalan

Education program
Here We Are Academy

Public editorial meeting
11.04.2016 19.00 hrs
Instituting for the Contemporary – part 1

Public editorial meeting
18.04.2016 19.00 hrs
Instituting for the Contemporary – part 2

Reading group
25.04.2016 19.00 hrs
Instituting for the Contemporary – part 3

Universal Anthem performed by Zuilens Fanfarecorps


The activities of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst have been made possible by financial support from the City Council of Utrecht and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands. The project Future Vocabularies is realized with support from the DOEN Foundation, Amsterdam. The exhibition Unstated (or, Living Without Approval) is supported by the K.F. Hein Fund, Utrecht. The related New World Summit: Stateless Democracy is supported by The Art of Impact, Amsterdam, Democracy & Media Foundation, Amsterdam, and the CBK Rotterdam (Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam).

Suggestions from the archive


8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
