Closing dinner

22 December 2019, 18.00-21.00

Closing dinner with Bakudapan Food Study Group

picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer. Photo: Tom Janssen.

Join us for the “last supper” of Trainings for the Not-Yet, with Bakudapan Food Study Group.

Buy tickets (via Eventbrite) | Facebook event

An integral part of the trainings at BAK, co-convened by artist Jeanne Van Heeswijk, has been to end the day with a communal meal, often cooked by the Basic Activist Kitchen. As the project draws to a close, please join us for the very “last supper”, with & by Bakudapan Food Study Group! The dinner is an opportunity to gather reflections of the training XXII. Kitchen Atlases with Bakudapan taking place earlier that week (18-22 December), as well as enter into conversation with Bakudapan on their practice.

The evening starts with an introduction by Bakudapan to their practice, followed by a brief description of the days training, “Legacy of Secret Recipe”. Centered around a communal meal, collectively prepared in BAK’s Basic Activist kitchen, Bakudapan welcomes a dialogue through food, encouraging renewed consideration on how cooks put meanings and value into their food and how the stories behind certain recipes evolve though time.

Full program to be announced soon, for now save the date & reserve your tickets!

Tickets (via Eventbrite):
Regular €6 / student discount €3
Participants of the Training XXII: Kitchen Atlases can join this dinner for free, but there is a limited capacity so please reserve a spot via mail

Free places: BAK provides a few free places for those who would otherwise not be able to attend. To reserve a spot, please e-mail (First come, first serve)

More on Bakudapan Food Study Group
Bakudapan is a study group from Indonesia that sees food as an instrument to speak about broader issues, such as politics, social, gender, economy, philosophy, art, and culture. The word “bakudapan” itself is inspired by “bakudapa”, which comes from Manadonese (North Sulawesi) language meaning to “meet”, and also “kudapan”, a kind of snack. Website:

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