
12 April 2019, 14.30-17.00

Let’s Mobilize for a Europe We Want: Voices of New Women

BAK, basis voor New Women Connectors

BAK, basis voor New Women Connectors, gathering on 2 March 2019, photo: Rob Godfried

New Women Connectors and BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht present the gathering Let’s Mobilize for a Europe We Want: Voices of New Women.

The gathering is part of a series BAK, basis voor… in which BAK joins forces with other organizations in addressing shared urgencies and developing propositions for “being together otherwise”.  

During this gathering, migration policies are discussed by and with refugees and migrants, in the context of the upcoming European elections. New Women Connectors believe that in this time of normalization of far-right populism and contemporary fascisms, it is urgent to develop proposals to fight for a Europe respecting human dignity and fundamental rights.

Three invited speakers—Voices—share their work through presentations followed by discussions. The Voices are Anila Noor, refugee activist and founder of the New Women Connectors, Marlon Toledo Lacsamana, LGBTQ and migrant activist born and raised in the Philippines, and Reshad Jalali, refugee activist and Policy Officer at the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Brussels.


New Women Connectors’ Voice to join:

What is at stake at the European Elections 2019? Many of us are deeply shocked to witness a European political debate and reality dominated by a small but loud minority of far-right populists and their anti-EU, anti-democratic, and anti-civil rights agendas, carried forward and legitimised by racist slogans demonising migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. Yet they have intimidated their way from the political periphery to the centre of the EU and its member states’ policies, and have sparked a political crisis with real and severe impacts on our people, societies, and unity.

We can win! The majority of Europeans are willing to accept migrants and refugees and respect their fundamental rights. If they turn up and vote that can become a reality.”



This gathering is part of a collaboration between BAK and New Women Connectors in the framework of a series BAK, basis voor…  It takes place within the context of a forthcoming project to be initiated by artist Jeanne van Heeswijk and BAK from September–December 2019. 


New Women Connectors

New Women Connectors is a platform that strives to connect newcomers and migrants, with a strong focus on women, and to amplify the voices of those who often feel voiceless. Envisioned, created, and led by migrant refugee women, New Women Connectors focuses on ensuring all voices are heard and responded to, so that migrant refugee women can feel empowered. New Women Connectors believe that, by creating an open platform, the exchange of dialogue and listening to one another can be facilitated. As a result, these efforts will lead to collaborative solutions to urgent matters faced by migrant women in European cities. New Women Connectors are based in Utrecht and Amsterdam.

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8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

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Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
