
26 May 2023, 00.00-18.00


Publifluor: Resharpening Blobby

Resharpening Blobby by Publifluor (David Le Simple, Femke Snelting, Ludivine Loiseau, Nathan Izbicki, Olivier Bertrand, Pierre Huyghebaert, and Sophie Boiron)

When the self-taught letterer Crystel Crickx met a graphic designer in the late 1990s, Blobby was the result. Blobby is an idiosyncratic typeface made up of a set of fat shapes, psychedelic and incomplete. In this two day workshop, The Publifluor research group invites you to join the study and documentation of Blobby, and to draw and cut together its missing glyphs. Blobby is an out-of-category UFO in the already unusual universe of adhesive characters that Crystel Crickx sold for many years in her shop Publifluor in Schaerbeek (Brussels).

In the period between the introduction of self-adhesive vinyl and the availability of inexpensive digital signage, Mrs Crickx made a living using a self-invented process, in which she stockpiled hand-cut characters in various sizes and colours. Her customers could buy these letters by the piece and then place them on their shop windows. The characters were adopted by a group of Brussels-based designers, who digitised and published them as a typeface. Released under an Open Font Licence, the typeface has been put to use in many contexts for already twenty years.

With a new release of the digital font in mind, we propose to bring Blobby back to life and to the streets of Utrecht by producing a set of dingbats, numbers and characters which for the moment only twists the plastic cells of their vinyl existence.  With the help of our freshly resharpened Blobby stock, we will offer Crickx care to nightshop owners in the neighbourhood, composing messages together on the spot. To open up the history and the various elements of the Publifluor archive, means also to look for possible local echos, and to try to meet them.

Thursday 25 MAY – Friday 26 MAY 2023

12:00–18:00 hrs


Collective vegan lunch from 12:00–13:00 hrs. The meal is included in the enrollment fee. The abundance and variety of the menu depend on the luck of the b.ASIC a.CTIVIST k.ITCHEN’s dumpster dive.


Registration is required. Please rsvp your attendance here.

Suggestions from the archive


8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
