What could be the implications of the acceptance of a nature-culture continuum, and how could we theoretically and artistically re-define the relationship between human and non-human factors and agents?
With contributions by: Ursula Biemann (artist, theorist, and curator, Zurich), Rick Dolphijn (Assistant Professor and a Senior Fellow of the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University, Utrecht); Erich Hörl (Professor of Media Culture at the Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Lüneburg); David Pascoe (Professor at the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication at Utrecht Univeristy, Utrecht); and Gerald Raunig (philosopher, theorist, and Professor of Aesthetics and Political Philosophy at the Zurich University of Fine Arts, Zurich; eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies), Vienna).
Posthuman Glossary is a part of BAK’s research program Future Vocabularies (2014–2016) and its chapter Human-Inhuman-Posthuman, which is developed in dialogue with BAK Research Fellow Professor Rosi Braidotti and organized in collaboration with the Centre for the Humanities, Utrecht University, Utrecht.