Opening Program

17 April 2021, 13.30-18.00


Fragments of Repair/Gathering I: Online Opening Program

Broadcast live from BAK in Utrecht and La Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues in Pantin, Paris

Kader Attia, Reason’s Oxymorons, 2015, video installation, courtesy of the artist, The Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, and Lehmann Maupin, photo: Max Yawney

On Saturday 17 April 2021 BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht is proud to present the online opening program of Fragments of Repair (17 April–1 August 2021), a multi-part project convened by BAK with artist Kader Attia and decolonial forum La Colonie, Paris. Broadcast live from BAK in Utrecht and La Dynamo de Banlieue Bleues in Pantin, Paris, and streamed via Zoom and here on the BAK website.

The opening program includes conversations, lectures and presentations by artist Kader Attia (Berlin); BAK general and artistic director Maria Hlavajova (Utrecht); art historian and BAK research associate Sven Lütticken (Utrecht); BAK curator Wietske Maas (Utrecht/Berlin), philosopher Catherine Malabou (Paris), political philosopher Achille Mbembe (Johannesburg), and political theorist, feminist, and decolonial activist Françoise Vergès (Paris).

The opening program is free of charge, but registration is required For more information on the project Fragments of Repair, see here.

Recorded livestream of the opening program:

Saturday, 17 April 2021, 13.30–18.00 hrs
(All times are Central European Summer Time/CEST and South African Standard Time/SAST)

13.30 hrs
Maria Hlavajova

13.50 hrs
Kader Attia, Maria Hlavajova, and Wietske Maas

14.30 hrs
Get Mad, Fight Back!
Tools to Resist the Economy of Exhaustion  
Françoise Vergès 

15.20 hrs
New Subliminalities: The Psychic Locus of Decoloniality
Catherine Malabou

16.10 hrs
Repair of Reason
Achille Mbembe 

17.00 hrs
Kader Attia, Françoise Vergès, Catherine Malabou, and Achille Mbembe, moderated by Sven Lütticken

A number of “fragments” of the exhibition Fragments of Repair/Kader Attia are featured throughout the program.

BAK’s activities are made possible through financial contributions by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the City Council, Utrecht. Fragments of Repair is organized in the framework of BAK’s research itinerary Propositions for Non-Fascist Living (2017–ongoing), and has received aditional funding from: VSBfonds, Utrecht; BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Amsterdam; BNG Cultuurfonds, The Hague; Fonds 21, Utrecht; Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Utrecht; Institut français des Pays-Bas, The Hague; and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart.

BAK’s main partner in the field of education and research is HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.

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Chapter one: exhibition

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