
31 October–31 December 2004

Cordially Invited, episode 3

BAK presents the multi-faceted project Cordially Invited, an exhibition and a series of discussions, screenings, and performances on hospitality and migration. The exhibition is on view at BAK and Centraal Museum in Utrecht.

Cordially Invited examines the issue of hospitality in relation to a topic of major global, political, and moral consequence today: migration. The project explores these issues through the notion of a cordial invitation, understood here as a symbolic tool which can be used to negotiate between two imaginary, unattainable ideals: the unrestricted right to move across political and economic boundaries, and the unqualified acceptance such rights imply. The exhibition is curated by Maria Hlavajova and Gerardo Mosquera and presents works by twenty-one international artists, artist collectives, and cultural producers.

Each Wednesday Nomads & Residents organize discussions, screenings and performances with a.o. Mariana Celac, Calin Dan, Lisl Ponger, Ruxandra Balaci, Charles Esche, Raimundas Malasauskas, Marko Raat, Dan and Lia Perjovschi, Julika Rudelius, Geert Mul, Pablo Helguera, Jelena Vesic, Brett Bloom, Monika Wucher, Kees Bleichrodt, Vesna Madzoski, Nasrin Tabatabai, and Babak Afrassiabi. Each Sunday IDFA presents Europe.doc, IDFA’s gaze on the EUwith documentary films by Marcel Lozinski, Jos de Putter, Leszek Dawid, Marjoleine Boonstra, Ulrich Seidl, Joost Conijn, Joakim Denner, Paul Devlin, Raymond Depardon, Angus Macqueen, and Sarah Vos.

The project is realized in collaboration with Prince Claus Fund, The Hague, Centraal Museum, Utrecht and IDFA (International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam). Cordially Invited is the third episode of the visual art program Who if not we…? 7 episodes on (ex)changing Europe, and is realized within the framework of Thinking Forward, the cultural program on the occasion of the Dutch presidency of the European Union. The project is realized with financial contributions by: Thinking Forward, 2004; Treaty of Utrecht 2013; VSBFonds; NCDO, Amsterdam; The Czech Centre, The Hague; Embassy of the Republic of Poland, The Hague.

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8 March, 19.00–7 March, 22.00 2024

Yallah Sabaya

Community Portal Hosts… Yallah Sabaya Join us on 8 March 2024 at BAK, Yallah Sabaya is happening again! “Come on ladies, let’s have fun together,” would be a good translation of yallah sabaya. All women of different cultural backgrounds are welcome to dance, chat, and connect with others also through movement and celebration. 8 March 2024, […]

Reading Group


07 March–02 June 2024

Usufructuaries of earth
Chapter one: exhibition

The exhibition foregrounds the artist’s collaborative approach to bringing together ecological, feminist, and decolonial knowledges and practices that put forward ideologies of usufruct, unhinging property-relations from the idiom of individuated possession and toward forms of common userships between humans and other-than-humans.
