
BAK programming combines the artistic, experiential, theoretical, and political so as to imagine and enact transformative ways, with and through art, of being together otherwise. BAK’s current research trajectory Propositions for Non-Fascist Living (2017–ongoing) is prompted by the dramatic resurfacing and normalization of fascisms, historical and contemporary. BAK organizes exhibitions, lectures, publications, workshops, and composite performative conferences with exhibitionary, discursive, and performative elements.


Current & Upcoming

Suggestions from the archive

Guided Tour

Public program


4-18 July 2019

Futures Without…

HKU MA Fine Art Graduation Show with daily performances

From 4–18 July 2019, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst hosts the HKU MA Fine Art Graduation Show Futures Without... This transdisciplinary graduation show features video, spatial installations, sound and visual experiences, drawings, objects and photographs. It also hosts a vivid program of daily performances.


15 April 2023, 11.00-19.00

Violencia Fantasia with Deseo Real and Carla Arcos

Violencia Fantasía is an investigation that explores the relationship between desire and the subtle ways in which violence is accommodated in the world we live in. By subtle, we mean those forms of violence that arise from representations, embellished to the point of fantasy, in a society obsessed with producing unimprovable images of itself.