
Fellow 2023/2024

The Garage School

The Garage School is an informal study program that has no consistent or permanent infrastructure. It exists on very little; our schools emerge like fruiting bodies in relation to a particular place, subject, or host(s). We are interested in knowledge and tools that are considered irrelevant, of low quality, or without official validity. 

This iteration of the escuela is convened by Kari Robertson and Santiago Pinyol. 

Kari Robertson is an artist, educator, and researcher who works at Willem de K

ooning Academy, Rotterdam. In recent works she interrogates the “myths of separability” that emerge from modernity and coloniality, and explores notions of “toxicity” and “contamination” within complex natureculture contexts. Recent projects include SLEEP UP/WAKE DEEP (2023) commissioned by The Lake Radio, Copenhagen; and Material Memory, exhibition at TENT, Rotterdam, 2022. 

Santiago Pinyol is an undisciplined artist, part of the founding faculty at The Garage School. He also holds a tenure position at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Always in response to observations in the everyday, he produces cultural platforms, ephemeral schools, and installations. Selected exhibitions include: Radical Symbiosis, Radius, Delft, 2023; and There is no party so noisy as the one you’re not invited to, TENT, Rotterdam, 2022. 

During the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, they propose to organize a new iteration of The Garage School titled The Garage School of Medicine. The proposal builds from recent experiences in BAK and emerges from a proposition of nonalignment with hierarchical and imperialist medicine and medical discourse. They imagine another conception of health and healing that is holistic, metaphorical, metaphysical, preventative, collective, and hopeful. 

Robertson and Pinyol both live and work in Rotterdam, and are part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice. 

The Garage School

The Garage School is an informal study program that has no consistent or permanent infrastructure. It exists on very little; our schools emerge like fruiting bodies in relation to a particular place, subject, or host(s). We are interested in knowledge and tools that are considered irrelevant, of low quality, or without official validity. 

This iteration of the escuela is convened by Kari Robertson and Santiago Pinyol. 

Kari Robertson is an artist, educator, and researcher who works at Willem de K

ooning Academy, Rotterdam. In recent works she interrogates the “myths of separability” that emerge from modernity and coloniality, and explores notions of “toxicity” and “contamination” within complex natureculture contexts. Recent projects include SLEEP UP/WAKE DEEP (2023) commissioned by The Lake Radio, Copenhagen; and Material Memory, exhibition at TENT, Rotterdam, 2022. 

Santiago Pinyol is an undisciplined artist, part of the founding faculty at The Garage School. He also holds a tenure position at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Always in response to observations in the everyday, he produces cultural platforms, ephemeral schools, and installations. Selected exhibitions include: Radical Symbiosis, Radius, Delft, 2023; and There is no party so noisy as the one you’re not invited to, TENT, Rotterdam, 2022. 

During the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, they propose to organize a new iteration of The Garage School titled The Garage School of Medicine. The proposal builds from recent experiences in BAK and emerges from a proposition of nonalignment with hierarchical and imperialist medicine and medical discourse. They imagine another conception of health and healing that is holistic, metaphorical, metaphysical, preventative, collective, and hopeful. 

Robertson and Pinyol both live and work in Rotterdam, and are part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.