

artist, Budapest

Szabolcs KissPál is an artist and teacher. He teaches at the Intermedia Department in Budapest and leads a studio at the Intermedia Department of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Since 2012 he has developed an activist practice through co-founding the protest group Free Artists, with whom he has taken part in various actions of civil disobedience. His main field of interest lies in the intersection of new media, visual arts, and social issues. Selected solo exhibitions include: Hit Gallery, Bratislava, 2008; Arrivals>Hungary, Turner Contemporary/Project Space Bilton Square, Margate, Kent, 2007; and Backlit Gaps, Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam, 2005. Selected group exhibitions include: Regardless of the Weather, Karton Galéria & Museum, Budapest, 2006; Redistrans; Voltage of Relocation and Displacement, Apex Art, New York, 2006; and 3rd Seoul Biennial, Seoul, 2004. KissPál lives and works in Budapest and Bratislava. [Last updated 2015]