

Sandra Lange is a performance designer and researcher whose primary interest lies in designing spaces, exchanges, and trainings that are rooted in sociopolitical engagement, act as a shared activity of felt thinking, and resist the oppression of the norm. Lange creates participatory performances that aim to evoke small moments of awareness and invite the participants to reflect on their behavior and values. Recent performed works include Connect No. 1/Shame, Brainwash Festival, Amsterdam and Het Langhuis, Zwolle, 2014; Car-ne, Festival Cement, Zwolle, 2012; An angel with knowledge of blood, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Zwolle, 2012; I see you, Het Maagjesbolwerk, Zwolle, 2012. Lange lives and works in Zwolle.

Education Program

17 May, 00.00–19 May, 18.00 2023

Belonging: Thou shalt not worship at the altar of access