
Fellow 2021/2022

Rifandi Nugroho

Rifandi Septiawan Nugroho is a researcher and occasional curator working along the intersection between architecture, art and everyday life. Currently, he is involved as facilitator for spatial practice subject at Gudskul and working as editor for arsitekturindonesia.org . Since 2016, he has made several exhibitions and space activations related to his interest with collective memories, situated knowledge and collaborative works within urban and rural areas in Indonesia. He proposes sharpening the framework of “Memory as spectral infrastructure” in the Fellowship for Situated Practice, by creating multiple-platforms for collective memories publication that can be disseminated in many places. Some of Rifandi’s latest exhibitions are Big Or Small Are Same, As Long As We Are Not Alone, ruru gallery, Jakarta, 2020; Alas Dadi Kutho, Kutho Dadi Alas, Taman Lenterawangi, Banyuwangi, 2020; he also co-curated Segar Bugar: Story of Conservation in Jakarta From 1920s To Present, Museum Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, 2019; and Occupying Modernism, Kopi Manyar, Jakarta, 2019. Since 2017, with friends, he established Kolektif Kurator Kampung, an interdisciplinary collective focused on curatorial works on art and social context. He lives and works in South Tangerang and Jakarta, and is part of the GUDsel at Gudskul, Jakarta, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.

Rifandi Nugroho

Rifandi Septiawan Nugroho is a researcher and occasional curator working along the intersection between architecture, art and everyday life. Currently, he is involved as facilitator for spatial practice subject at Gudskul and working as editor for arsitekturindonesia.org . Since 2016, he has made several exhibitions and space activations related to his interest with collective memories, situated knowledge and collaborative works within urban and rural areas in Indonesia. He proposes sharpening the framework of “Memory as spectral infrastructure” in the Fellowship for Situated Practice, by creating multiple-platforms for collective memories publication that can be disseminated in many places. Some of Rifandi’s latest exhibitions are Big Or Small Are Same, As Long As We Are Not Alone, ruru gallery, Jakarta, 2020; Alas Dadi Kutho, Kutho Dadi Alas, Taman Lenterawangi, Banyuwangi, 2020; he also co-curated Segar Bugar: Story of Conservation in Jakarta From 1920s To Present, Museum Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, 2019; and Occupying Modernism, Kopi Manyar, Jakarta, 2019. Since 2017, with friends, he established Kolektif Kurator Kampung, an interdisciplinary collective focused on curatorial works on art and social context. He lives and works in South Tangerang and Jakarta, and is part of the GUDsel at Gudskul, Jakarta, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.