
Fellow 2019/2020

BAK 2019/2020 Fellow Mijke van der Drift co-convenes a gathering as part of the Fellowship at BAK in February 2020. Photo Tim Janssen.

Mijke van der Drift

Philosopher and educator Mijke van der Drift works on ethics as a focal point in multi-disciplinary research about social transformation. Van der Drift is a lecturer at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, as of fall 2020, and is a tutor at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. They will also be a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge in 2020-2021, as part of the Revolutionary Papers project, in collaboration with the London School of Economics, London and the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. In addition, van der Drift is currently working on their book Nonnormative Ethics: The Dynamics of Trans Formation. They obtained a PhD from Goldsmiths, University of London, London. Their current project focuses on multilogical ethics and generosity, and is provisionally titled The Logic of Loss in Bonding. The book chapter “Radical Transfeminism: Trans as anti-static ethics escaping neoliberal encapsulation,” co-written with poet Nat Raha, is forthcoming in New Feminist Studies: Twenty-first-century Critical Interventions, ed. Jennifer Cooke. Van der Drift lives and works in Amsterdam and London.

Mijke van der Drift

Philosopher and educator Mijke van der Drift works on ethics as a focal point in multi-disciplinary research about social transformation. Van der Drift is a lecturer at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, as of fall 2020, and is a tutor at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. They will also be a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge in 2020-2021, as part of the Revolutionary Papers project, in collaboration with the London School of Economics, London and the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. In addition, van der Drift is currently working on their book Nonnormative Ethics: The Dynamics of Trans Formation. They obtained a PhD from Goldsmiths, University of London, London. Their current project focuses on multilogical ethics and generosity, and is provisionally titled The Logic of Loss in Bonding. The book chapter “Radical Transfeminism: Trans as anti-static ethics escaping neoliberal encapsulation,” co-written with poet Nat Raha, is forthcoming in New Feminist Studies: Twenty-first-century Critical Interventions, ed. Jennifer Cooke. Van der Drift lives and works in Amsterdam and London.

Fellowship Research Trajectory

Mijke van der Drift’s research The Logic of Loss in Bonding conceptualizes a framework of ethics geared at reducing structural inequalities and nurturing sustainable futures. Combining philosophical exploration with film, and informed by Black, Queer, Postcolonial, and Extinction studies, this research emerges from the understanding that embracing loss, both material loss and losses of action-based and structural logics, supports ways of relearning the world. Van der Drift explores how theories of transformation that focus primarily on amending lack of access to existing forms, such as LGBT inclusion, run the risk of turning away from contemporary deteriorating environmental conditions. Centering loss can review what is perceived as lack and make space for the emergence of otherwise counterintuitive notions, such as giving up on economic growth, forms of political loss, and/or embracing a loss of material standards, as part of redistributive justice. Van der Drift further looks into the notion of loss in relationships so as to understand how making space may require a shift in one’s self as a political and ethical act. This research focuses on incorporating loss into ethics so as to dissolve the logic of domination and thus decenter an assumed necessity for control. In this aim, opening present logics to alternative ways of thinking, embracing new forms, and turning ethics to imagining open futures that are not arranged by imposition of a single order or logic.

Mijke van der Drift at Love Spells & Rituals for Another World

BAK 2019/2020 Fellow Mijke van der Drift presents her research The Logic of Loss in Bonding in the talk “Realisitcally Impossible: The Magic of Social Change” at the virtual conference Love Spells & Rituals for Another World. As Love Spells explains:  Engaging with queer, feminist and decolonial approaches and drawing on developments in cultural studies […]

Consent, Logic, and Loss: Fellows Intensive

In February, the BAK 2019/2020 Fellows come together for another Fellows Intensive. This week experiments with various communication practices being researched by Joy Mariama Smith and Mijke van der Drift, the BAK Fellows who co-convene this intensive along with BAK, and Curator of the BAK 2019/2020 Fellowship Program Whitney Stark and focuses on  consent, and […]

Rehearsing in Public with the BAK Fellows

On Wednesday 12 February 2020, BAK 2019/2020 Fellows Mijke van der drift and Joy Mariama Smith, along with BAK, co-convene a participatory panel. Along with artist Ahmed El Gendy and poet and activist Nat Raha, they rehearse in public experimental and collective practices that they are trying out in their research. The participatory panel aims to […]


sonic science fiction transmission

12 September 2020, 12.00-21.45

Propositions #12: Waves Breaking Walls, Futures in Movement