
de Valk

Marloes de Valk is a software artist and writer in the post-despair stage of coping with the threat of global warming and being spied on by the devices surrounding her. Surprised by the obsessive dedication with which we, even post-Snowden, share intimate details about ourselves to an often not too clearly defined group of others, and astounded by the deafening noise we generate while socializing with the technology around us, she is looking to better understand why. She is a PhD researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Networked Image at London South Bank University, London, looking into the material and social impact of the networked image on the climate crisis, and works as a thesis supervisor at the Experimental Publishing Department at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam. As a member of artist collective GOTO10, she has helped develop the puredyne GNU/Linux distribution and Make Art festival. Together with Aymeric Mansoux, she is editor of the publication FLOSS+Art (2009). She is part of Plutonian Corp., La Société Anonyme, and Iodine Dynamics. Her latest projects include the game What Remains (2015) created together with Iodine Dynamics; and Villains and Heroes (2020)