

artist, Athens

Maria Papadimitriou is an artist who explores the relation between art and social reality by examining issues as identity, social integration, and exclusion through collaborative endeavors. She is Professor of Art and the Environment at the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos and founder of T.A.M.A. (Temporary Autonomous Museum for All) (1998) and SOUZY TROS Art Canteen (2012). Recent group exhibitions include DESTE Prize: An Anniversary Exhibition, 1999-2015, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens, 2017, and Urgent Conversations: Athens-Antwerp, National Museum of Contemporary Art – EMST, Athens, 2016. Recent solo-exhibitions include: Laboratory Antigone, Onassis Cultural Center, New York, 2016; Why Look At Animals? AGRIMIKÁ, Greek Pavilion, 56th Venice Biennale, Venice, 2015; and T.A.M.A. Overflow, Museum Alex Mylonas – Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, 2014. Papadimitriou lives and works in Volos and Athens.

Book Launch, Symposium

24 June 2017, 10.30-18.00

Once We Were Artists