

writer, poet, and visual artist, Amsterdam

Maria Barnas (Amsterdam) is a writer, poet, and visual artist whose work in different media approaches text and images as equal entities. Her recent practice questions to what extent language consists of images. Barnas studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. She is co-founder of the Missing Books publishing house. In 2014 Barnas was awarded the Anna Bijns Prize for her collection of poems Jaja de oerknal (Yes Right the Big Bang), 2013. She has published novels, poetry, and essays, and writes about art and literature for De Groene Amsterdammer and De Volkskrant, and other publications. Recent presentations of her visual work include Klemm’s Gallery, Berlin; ICi New York, Iglesia del Hospitalet in Eivissa (Ibiza); Stuk Kunstcentrum, Leuven; and Project Arts Centre, Dublin. Barnas lives and works in Amsterdam.