

curator, writer, and an initiator of Free/Slow University of Warsaw, Warsaw/London

Kuba Szreder is a graduate of sociology at Jagiellonian University Krakow. He works as an “independent” curator, and his interdisciplinary curatorial projects combine artistic practices with critical examination of society. In 2009, together with Bęc Zmiana Foundation and other colleagues, he initiated Free/Slow University of Warsaw. His theoretical research reflects upon the apparatuses of contemporary artistic production and their socio-economic context. In the Summer of 2015, he was awarded a practice-based PhD from Loughborough University School of the Arts. His thesis scrutinizes economic and governmental aspects of project-making and their impact on an “independent” curatorial practice. Kuba Szreder is based in London and Warsaw. [Last updated 2015]

Public Editorial Meeting

9-10 October 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work