

artist, Amsterdam and Berlin

Jeremiah Day is an artist whose work employs photography, speech, and body language to re-examine political conflicts and resistances, unfolding their subjective traces. Day studied under an d often collaborates with postmodern dance pioneer Simone Forti, using her improvisational research-moving-talking method as an open-ended, unfolding, embodied form of questioning. He graduated from the Art Department of the University of California, Los Angeles and attended the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. Recent solo exhibitions and performances include: To a Person Sitting in Darkness (#2 Perimeter’s Walk), Galleria SpazioA, Pistoia, 2015; The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, Arratia Beer, Berlin, 2015; and If You Want Blood, Arcade, London, 2013. Recent group exhibitions include: Istanbul: Passion, Joy, Fury (with Can Altay), MAXXI, Rome, 2015–2016; Giles Bailey & Jeremiah Day, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, Glasgow, 2015–2016; and 5th Thessaloniki Biennale, Thessaloniki, 2015. Day lives and works in Amsterdam and Berlin.