
Fellow 2021/2022

Jara Rocha

Jara Rocha are an interdependent researcher-artist. They are currently involved in several disobedient action research projects, such as Volumetric Regimes (with Femke Snelting), The Underground Division (with Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting), and Vibes & Leaks (with Kym Ward and Xavier Gorgol). They are also part of the curatorial team of DONE programs at Foto Colectania, Barcelona and teach film studies (MA) at the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya, Barcelona, as well as at the Körper, Theorie und Poetik des Performativen Department at Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart. Rocha works through the situated, mundane, and complex forms of distribution of the technological with an antifascist and trans*feminist sensibility. Their main areas of study have to do with the semiotic materialities of cultural urgencies. The Cell for Digital Discomfort (CfDD) is interested in developing practices that would go toward something like “solidary discomfort” by circulating questions and experiments that deal with turbo-capitalist domination, linear solutionism, and seamless operations. CfDD wants to stay with the unease despite too-comfortable modes of infrastructural becoming, in order to intersectionally imagine ways to refuse compliance with totalitarian innovation, and to do so in a more explicit conversation with crip techno-science, anti-colonialism, queer struggles, and environmental justice. Recent projects include: Volumetric Regimes: Material Cultures of Quantified Presence, Open Humanities Press (forthcoming); Sinking Alloyances + Planetary Burial, Estuary Festival, 2021; From de-schooling to re-instruction, The Internationale Online (2021); A Catalog of Formats for Digital Discomfort, 3rd Ws. on Obfuscation (2021); Figurations of Timely Extraction, Media Theory Journal (2020); Queering Damage. Methodologies for Partial Reparation . . . or not, Sonic Acts (V.2, 2020); and Naturoculturas son disturbios, Dublab Radio (ongoing). Rocha lives and works—mostly collectively—in the outskirts of Barcelona and and is part of the online Cell for Digital Discomfort in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.

Jara Rocha

Jara Rocha are an interdependent researcher-artist. They are currently involved in several disobedient action research projects, such as Volumetric Regimes (with Femke Snelting), The Underground Division (with Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting), and Vibes & Leaks (with Kym Ward and Xavier Gorgol). They are also part of the curatorial team of DONE programs at Foto Colectania, Barcelona and teach film studies (MA) at the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya, Barcelona, as well as at the Körper, Theorie und Poetik des Performativen Department at Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart. Rocha works through the situated, mundane, and complex forms of distribution of the technological with an antifascist and trans*feminist sensibility. Their main areas of study have to do with the semiotic materialities of cultural urgencies. The Cell for Digital Discomfort (CfDD) is interested in developing practices that would go toward something like “solidary discomfort” by circulating questions and experiments that deal with turbo-capitalist domination, linear solutionism, and seamless operations. CfDD wants to stay with the unease despite too-comfortable modes of infrastructural becoming, in order to intersectionally imagine ways to refuse compliance with totalitarian innovation, and to do so in a more explicit conversation with crip techno-science, anti-colonialism, queer struggles, and environmental justice. Recent projects include: Volumetric Regimes: Material Cultures of Quantified Presence, Open Humanities Press (forthcoming); Sinking Alloyances + Planetary Burial, Estuary Festival, 2021; From de-schooling to re-instruction, The Internationale Online (2021); A Catalog of Formats for Digital Discomfort, 3rd Ws. on Obfuscation (2021); Figurations of Timely Extraction, Media Theory Journal (2020); Queering Damage. Methodologies for Partial Reparation . . . or not, Sonic Acts (V.2, 2020); and Naturoculturas son disturbios, Dublab Radio (ongoing). Rocha lives and works—mostly collectively—in the outskirts of Barcelona and and is part of the online Cell for Digital Discomfort in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.