

Habiba Chrifi-Hammoudi is a social worker. She is an informal care consultant and coordinator at U Centraal, Steunpunt Mantelzorg Utrecht, and volunteers at Alzheimer Nederland. In her work, she focuses on caregivers with diverse backgrounds. She is the initiator and coordinator of the traveling Alzheimer Theehuis, which organizes meetings for people of Moroccan and Turkish descent with information about dementia and Alzheimer’s in their own language. She is also the initiator and coordinator of AMWAHT, Alle Mantelzorgers Werken Aan Hun Toekomst [All Informal Caregivers Work on Their Futures]. Volunteers who have undergone special training for this purpose guide peer support groups for informal caregivers throughout Utrecht. During meetings in the Dutch, Turkish, Arabic, or Berber language, topics related to informal care are discussed. She also provides trainings for professionals on how to treat and reach migrant informal caregivers. Chrifi-Hammoudi lives and works in Utrecht.

Exhibition and public program

14 September 2019–12 January 2020

Trainings for the Not-Yet