

Freehouse is a foundation in Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam that makes the qualities of the neighborhood and its residents visible. It does so by focusing on the outdoors as the space where connections and people meet. Considering the trend that, nowadays, people feel less involved with public spaces or domains, Freehouse initiates projects that invite people to activate this relationship. Central to this is the encouraging of cultural entrepreneurship and local production, with the aim to strengthen the neighborhood economy and the neighborhood as a whole. The qualities and skills possessed by people in the neighborhood are brought together and linked in communal studio spaces, such as Wijkatelier op Zuid and Wijkkeuken van Zuid. From these collaborations, new projects, products, and services come about, which, in turn, become part of the public space and community in which they came into being.

Exhibition and public program

14 September 2019–12 January 2020

Trainings for the Not-Yet