

architect and researcher

Eyal Weizman is Professor of Spatial and Visual Cultures and founding Director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London, London. He is a founding member of the architectural collectives DAAR, Beit Sahour and Forensic Architecture, London. Publications include Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth (with Mathew Fuller, 2021);  Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability (2017); The Conflict Shoreline (with Fazal Sheikh, 2015); The Roundabout Revolution (2015); Mengele’s Skull: The Advent of a Forensic Aesthetics (with Thomas Keenan, 2012); The Least of all Possible Evils (2011); and Hollow Land (2007). Weizman is on the editorial board of Third Text, Humanity, Cabinet, and Political Concepts and on the board of directors of the Centre for Investigative Journalism, London, and the Technology Advisory Board of the International Criminal Court, The Hague. He has worked with a variety of NGOs worldwide and was a board member of B’Tselem, Jerusalem. Weizman lives and works in London.