
Espejo Ayca


Elvira Espejo Ayca is a plastic artist, weaver, and narrator of the oral tradition of her place of origin (ayllu Qaqachaka, Avaroa province, Oruro). A speaker of Aymara and Quechua, she is the director of the Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore, La Paz. She is author of Kaypi Jaqhaypi/Por aquí, por allá (2018), Sawutuq parla (2006), and Phaqar kirki-t ́ikha takiy takiy/Canto a las Flores (2006), for which she received the International Poet Prize in the World Festival of Venezuelan Poetry (2007). She is co-author of Hilos sueltos: Los Andes desde el textil (2007), Ciencia de las Mujeres (2010), Ciencia de Tejer en los Andes: Estructuras y técnicas de faz de urdimbre (2012), El Textil Tridimensional: El Tejido como Objeto y como Sujeto (2013) and Tejiendo la vida: La Colección Textil del Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore, según la cadena de producción (2013). In collaboration with the Bolivian musician Álvaro Montenegro, she made Thakhi/La Senda Canciones a los animales (2007) and Utachk kirki/Canto a las casas (2011). She won the Eduardo Avaroa first prize in Arts, Native Textiles Specialty, La Paz, Bolivia (2013), and the first prize for Native Creation in Literature, Poetry Specialty at the Arica Barroca Festival of South Andean Art, Chile (2018). Espejo Ayca lives and works in La Paz.


20-21 May 2022

Symposium: No Linear Fucking Time