
C. Feiss

researcher and critic, Berkely, CA

E. C. Feiss is a researcher, critic, and a PhD candidate at the History of Art Department of University of California, Berkeley. In 2014–2015 she was a resident at the Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht and an instructor at the Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam. Most recently, her writing appeared in Cinema Olanda: Wendelien van Oldenborgh (ed. Lucy Cotter, 2017) and White Paper: On Land, Law and the Imaginary (ed. Adelita Husni-Bey, 2017) and she has contributed to AfterallCamera AustriaLittle JoeRadical Philosophy, and Texte zur Kunst. Feiss lives and works in Berkeley, CA.

Book Launch, Symposium

24 June 2017, 10.30-18.00

Once We Were Artists