
Architecture Art Residency

DAAR (Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency) is an architectural studio and art residency program based in Beit Sahour, Palestine, and co-directed by Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti. DAAR aims to use spatial practice as a form of political intervention. DAAR’s program has gathered together architects, artists, activists, urbanists, film-makers, and curators— to work collectively on the subjects of politics and architecture. DAAR projects have been shown showed in various biennales and museums, among them Venice Biennale, Home Works in Beirut, the Istanbul Biennial, the Bozar in Brussels, NGBK in Berlin, the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Architekturforum Tirol in Innsbruk, the Tate in London, the Oslo Triennial, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and many other places. DAAR’s members have taught lectured and published internationally. DAAR was awarded with the Price Claus Prize for Architecture, nominated for the Curry Stone Design Price, the Anni and Heinrich Sussmann Artist Award, the New School’s Vera List Center Prize for Art and Politics, the Chernikhov Prize.