
Fellow 2021/2022

Cristina Cochior during Relearn 2021, Rotterdam. Illustration on the window by Amy Pickles and Danny van der Kleij. Photo: Luke Murphy

Cristina Cochior

Cristina Cochior is a researcher and designer. She is a member of the everyday technology collective Varia (2017–ongoing), as well as a tutor in the Hacking Department of the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam (2020–ongoing) and in the Experimental Publishing Department of the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam (2021–ongoing). Recent projects she’s been part of include VLTK, Digital Solidarity Networks, and Bots as Digital Infrapunctures. Her work revolves around situated software, affective interfaces, and digital knowledge organisation and transmission; together with other members of Varia, she works on collective, non-extractive digital infrastructures. The Cell for Digital Discomfort (CfDD) is interested in developing practices that would go towards something like “solidary discomfort” by circulating questions and experiments that deal with turbo-capitalist domination, linear solutionism, and seamless operations. CfDD wants to stay with the unease despite too-comfortable modes of infrastructural becoming, in order to intersectionally imagine ways to refuse compliance with totalitarian innovation, and to do so in a more explicit conversation with crip techno-science, anti-colonialism, queer struggles, and environmental justice. Recent publications include Digital Bots as Infrapunctures (2021); DiVersions v2 (2021); and Networks of One’s Own – Three Takes on Taking Care (2019). Cochior lives and works in Rotterdam and is part of the online Cell for Digital Discomfort in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.

Cristina Cochior

Cristina Cochior is a researcher and designer. She is a member of the everyday technology collective Varia (2017–ongoing), as well as a tutor in the Hacking Department of the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam (2020–ongoing) and in the Experimental Publishing Department of the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam (2021–ongoing). Recent projects she’s been part of include VLTK, Digital Solidarity Networks, and Bots as Digital Infrapunctures. Her work revolves around situated software, affective interfaces, and digital knowledge organisation and transmission; together with other members of Varia, she works on collective, non-extractive digital infrastructures. The Cell for Digital Discomfort (CfDD) is interested in developing practices that would go towards something like “solidary discomfort” by circulating questions and experiments that deal with turbo-capitalist domination, linear solutionism, and seamless operations. CfDD wants to stay with the unease despite too-comfortable modes of infrastructural becoming, in order to intersectionally imagine ways to refuse compliance with totalitarian innovation, and to do so in a more explicit conversation with crip techno-science, anti-colonialism, queer struggles, and environmental justice. Recent publications include Digital Bots as Infrapunctures (2021); DiVersions v2 (2021); and Networks of One’s Own – Three Takes on Taking Care (2019). Cochior lives and works in Rotterdam and is part of the online Cell for Digital Discomfort in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.