

artist and writer, Berlin

Brigitta Kuster (born 1970) is an artist, cultural researcher, and writer, primarily interested in visual and film studies, postcolonialism, and migration and border studies. In 2010 and 2006, respectively, she was recipient of the Swiss Art Award. Kuster is a member of the artist collective Artefakte, with Regina Sarreiter and Dierk Schmidt. Her recent research projects, exhibitions, and works include: Ndana! (2014), a video on the legacies of colonialism in Cameroon in the framework of the longtime filmic research project choix d’un passé (with Moïse Merlin Mabouna); research into migrant participation in transnational digital networks, border crossing, and biometric identities within the context of the project Mig@Net, 2010–2013; Rester et partir [Staying and Leaving], Musée de Bamako, Bamako, 2011; and Traces the Sand Left in the Machine, Forum Expanded, 60th Berlinale, Berlin, 2010. She is currently at work (with Artefakte) on the transnational research and exhibition project artificial facts / künstliche tatsachen, initiated by Kunstaus Dresden, Dresden, in cooperation with partners from South Africa and Benin, and supported by the TURN Fund. She has contributed texts to the following publications: Der Standpunkt der Aufnahme Point of View; Radikal Ambivalent. Engagement und Verantwortung in den Künsten heute Radically Ambivalent. Commitment and Responsibility in the Arts Today; The Space Between Us (2013); and Colonial Modern: Aesthetics of the Past (2010). In 2013, she co-edited a special issue of the journal darkmatter, titled “Afterlives.” Kuster lives and works in Berlin. [Last updated 2014]