

philosopher and writer, Paris and Sophia

Boyan Manchev (born 1970) is a philosopher and cultural theorist. Currently he is Director of Programs and Vice-President of the International College of Philosophy in Paris and Associate Professor of Philosophy at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. Recently he was a fellow at the Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, Weimar (2009) and at the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (2008), a resident at apexart, New York (2007), a guest researcher at EHESS, Paris (2006), and Thinker in Residence and theoretical advisor for IDEE (Initiatives in Dance through European Exchange), Vienna (2006). He has organized and participated in numerous seminars and public programs on contemporary art, philosophy, and politics, among others in the project expo zéro by Musée de la danse at BAK in April 2010. In addition, he has contributed to a variety of curatorial and artistic projects at, among others, ZKM, Karlsruhe and Tanzquartier, Vienna. Among his many publications are: Rue Descartes 67: Quel sujet du politique? (ed., 2010); Rue Descartes 64: La metamorphose(ed., 2009); L’altération du monde: Pour une esthétique radicale (2009); La Métamorphose et l’Instant (2009); The Body-Metamorphosis (2007); “Transformance. The Body of Event,” in It takes place when it doesn’t. On dance and performance since 1989 (2006); “Der Totale Körper der Lust,” in Zurück aus der Zukunft. Osteuropäische Kulturen im Zeitaler des Postcommunismus (2005); and The Unimaginable. Essays in Philosophy of Image (2003). Manchev lives and works in Paris and Sofia.