

b.ASIC a.CTIVIST k.ITCHEN is a portal operation for food solidarity based in the kitchen of Pauwstraat 13A, Utrecht. It began as a learning object during the exhibition Trainings for the Not-Yet (2019–2020) at BAK, providing nourishment to visitors as a mode of encounter between activist groups. It is most definitely not a catering service for the institution, but for UPS, they structure the hospitality chain for all public events and provide dumpster-dived meals for Ultramethods study group trainings. Its core group is currently comprised of activists and cultural workers, most (but not all) of whom are formally employed at BAK. Though their energy was slightly dampened by the pandemic, in 2022 the b.a.k. began to recover its vigor. Their program has included a series of kombucha brewing sessions with previous collaborators to reactivate memories of working together and How to Set Up a Community Kitchen (2022), a meet-up for community kitchen runners and enthusiasts at De Voorkamer, Utrecht. When they recover from UPS, they hope to publish an almanac, edited by b.a.k. accomplice Yasmin Ahmed.

The b.ASIC a.CTIVIST k.ITCHEN is currently comprised of Alejandro Navarrete, Berend Bombarius, Grace Lostia, and Jun Saturay