
Vega Macotela

multidisciplinary artist

Antonio Vega Macotela is a multidisciplinary artist whose research-driven work is often designed through lengthy fieldwork in dialogue with specific communities. Through his practice, he engages with notions of value and exchange, specifically regarding the system through which social relations are established and negotiated. He has been a resident at Gasworks, in London, 2018, and the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, in Amsterdam, 2011–2012. Selected exhibitions include: Though it’s dark, still, I sing, 34th Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2021; You and I don’t live on the same planet, 12ª Bienal de Taipei, Taipei, 2020; #TodosSomosHonolulu, LABOR, Mexico City, 2020; Stories of Almost Everyone, The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 2018; Learning from Athens, documenta 14, Kassel, 2017; and The Deep of the Modern, Manifesta 9, Genk, 2012. Vega Macotela lives and works between Mexico City and Amsterdam.

Exhibition, Gatherings, Publication, Symposium

03 December 2021–22 May 2022

No Linear Fucking Time