
Fellow 2023/2024

Andrea Knezović

Andrea Knezović is a conceptual visual artist and researcher with an master’s of research in artistic research from the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam and a bachelor’s degree from Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana. Knezović’s research interests center around the politics of care, care’s institutional implications, and its mythological aspect.  

During the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, Knezović aims to connect and look back at the history of The Non-Alignment Movement as a symbolic departure point for further research going beyond the geopolitical and territorial framework into realms of cognitive capitalism. How can one face today’s imperial dominance of cognitive capitalism and its cooption of intimacy, and what kind of strategies and alliances can be created, secured, and established for a more caring future? 


Knezović is a chair of the board of the Salwa Foundation and co-founder of the art and research platform MARC Amsterdam. She contributed to various discursive journals including Thresholds Journal, Lish Journal London, and simulacrum. She exhibited in places such as Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana; Cukrarna, Ljubljana; MIT Keller Gallery, Cambridge, MA; Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam; 12 Star Gallery, London; The Israeli Center for Digital Arts, Holon; Kiribati National Museum, Tarawa; Marx Halle, Vienna; and others. Her works are part of various private collections, including the SCCA-DIVA Archive. In 2013 and 2015, she was nominated for the Essl Art Award. She lives and works in Amsterdam, and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice. 

Andrea Knezović

Andrea Knezović is a conceptual visual artist and researcher with an master’s of research in artistic research from the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam and a bachelor’s degree from Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana. Knezović’s research interests center around the politics of care, care’s institutional implications, and its mythological aspect.  

During the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, Knezović aims to connect and look back at the history of The Non-Alignment Movement as a symbolic departure point for further research going beyond the geopolitical and territorial framework into realms of cognitive capitalism. How can one face today’s imperial dominance of cognitive capitalism and its cooption of intimacy, and what kind of strategies and alliances can be created, secured, and established for a more caring future? 


Knezović is a chair of the board of the Salwa Foundation and co-founder of the art and research platform MARC Amsterdam. She contributed to various discursive journals including Thresholds Journal, Lish Journal London, and simulacrum. She exhibited in places such as Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana; Cukrarna, Ljubljana; MIT Keller Gallery, Cambridge, MA; Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam; 12 Star Gallery, London; The Israeli Center for Digital Arts, Holon; Kiribati National Museum, Tarawa; Marx Halle, Vienna; and others. Her works are part of various private collections, including the SCCA-DIVA Archive. In 2013 and 2015, she was nominated for the Essl Art Award. She lives and works in Amsterdam, and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice.