Leren, Seminar

17-19 februari 2009

1989 on: Examples of Curatorial Practices and Landmark Exhibitions

Dinsdag 17 februari, 11.00–12.45 uur
1989 on: Examples of Curatorial Practices and Landmark Exhibitions

Donderdag 19 februari, 15.15–17.00 uur

Verplichte stof:
-Carin Kuoni, ed., Words of Wisdom, A Curator’s Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art (New York: ICI/Independent Curators International, 2001) (Entires by Jean-Hubert Martin, Bartolomeu Mari, Richard Flood, Thelma Golden, Jean-Christophe Ammann and at least one additional entry are compulsory)
-Viktor Misiano, ‘Terms of Engagement: A Conversation with Teresa Gleadowe’, Manifesta Journal no. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 24–31
-John Miller, ‘The show you love to hate: a psychology of the mega exhibition’, in: Reesa Greenberg et al (eds) Thinking about Exhibitions, (London: Routledge, 2005), pp. 269-275

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