

curator en cultureel manager, Praag

Zuzana Jakalová is a curator and cultural manager; works as a curator at Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice along with Zbyněk Baladrán. For five years, she worked as a curator of the Center for Contemporary Art MeetFactory AiR Program in Prague. From 2012 she was the curator-in-chief of Prádelna Bohnice, an artspace and gallery in the psychiatric hospital at the outskirts of Prague. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague and Theory of Interactive Media at Masaryk University in Brno, completed an internship by Renate Lorenz at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna. She finished her diploma thesis on the feminist notion of ethics of care as a strategy of contemporary and is currently a PhD scholar at the Faculty of Arts at VUT in Brno researching topics of emotional labor in contemporary art institutions. She was in residency at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna and was selected as a fellow for the CEC ArtsLink Residency – she realised her residency at the Triangle Arts Foundation in NYC. In her curatorial work, she dealt with topics of failure, unsuccess and embarrassment. Currently, she is researching on topics surrounding caring practices, emotional labor, healthcare and disability. She has published widely in Flash Art CZ / SK, A2, artalk.cz and others.