

schrijver, Berlijn

Stefan Heidenreich (born 1965) is a writer and researcher who studied philosophy, communication, and German literature in Bochum and Berlin. From 2001–2003 he directed the project History and Systematic of Digital Media at the Humboldt University, Berlin. He writes for numerous publications including Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, taz, and Die Zeit. His topics of interest include media, economy, and art, on which he wrote the books Was verspricht die Kunst What does Art Promise; Mehr Geld (2006); and Flipflop (2004), and as co-editor Suchbilder. Visuelle Kultur zwischen Algorithmen und Archiven Search-Images: Visual Culture Between Algorithms and Archives. Heidenreich lives and works in Berlin. [Last updated 2009]


5-7 november 2009

1st FORMER WEST Congress