

professor, Wenen

Ruth Sonderegger (born 1967) is Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. From 2001 to 2009 she worked as Associate and Full Professor in the Philosophy Department of the University of Amsterdam. In 1998 she completed her PhD in Philosophy at the Free University Berlin. Since 2004 she has been a member of the editorial staff of Krisis: Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie [Crisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy]. Her research centers on the history and systematics of the concept of critique in philosophy and other disciplines, and examines art as a possible form of critique. She is the co-editor of, amongst others, Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (2012) and Golden Years: Queere Subkultur zwischen 1959 und 1974 (2006). She is also the author of Für eine Ästhetik des Spiels: Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion und der Eigensinn der Kunst (2000). She lives and works in Vienna. [Last updated 2012]