

sociologist, literary theorist, translator, and activist, Belgrade and Ljubljana

Rastko Močnik is a sociologist, literary theorist, translator, and political activist who teaches the theory of symbolic formations at the Faculty of Media and Communication, Singidunum University, Belgrade. Močnik is co-chair of the International Board of Directors of the Institute for Critical Social Studies, Sofia and Plovdiv, and has written extensively for numerous international journals, including, among others: Diskurs, Eurozine, Filozofija i drushtvo, Kritika i humanizъm, Migrations Société, Rue Descartes, Sociologicheski problemi, Transeuropéennes, transversal, and Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofija, psihologija, sociologija. He has also contributed to many edited anthologies, including: (Mis)readings of Marx in Contintental Philosophy (2014); Encountering Althusser: Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought (2012); Post-fordism and Its Discontents (2010); and Conflict, Power, and the Landscape of Constitutionalism (2008). Močnik lives in Ljubljana and works in Belgrade. [Last updated 2016]