

sociologist, Londen

Paul Gilroy (born 1956) is a sociologist and writer. He is currently the Anthony Giddens Professor of Social Theory in the Sociology Department at the London School of Economics, London. In the fall of 2009, Gilroy was the first visiting Professor to hold the Treaty of Utrecht Chair, Utrecht University, Utrecht. Prior to that he was the Chair of the Department of African American Studies and Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Yale University, New Haven from 2002–2005. He is the author of numerous articles published in periodicals such as Critical Quarterly, Cultural Studies, Ethnicities, International Journal of Cultural Studies, and Third Text, among others. His wide-ranging and highly influential publications include: Darker Than Blue: On The Moral Economies of Black Atlantic Cultures (2009); Black Britain: A Pictorial History (2007); After Empire: Melancholia or Convivial Culture? (2004) (published in the USA as Postcolonial Melancholia (2005)); Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond The Color Line (2001); Between Camps (2000); The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (1993); and There Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack (1987). Gilroy lives and works in London. [Last updated 2009]


5-7 november 2009

1st FORMER WEST Congress