

Lisa Hoffmann is a visual artist, filmmaker, performer, and researcher. She grew up in Dresden, where early on she found her way into the DIY music scene and political awareness. A graduate from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar in sustainable product design (MFA) and from the Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin in Art and Media (MFA), she is currently an active member of the climate education collective Klasse Klima. Her work investigates transitional states, daily life fictions, and fragmented realities with a focus on ecological anxieties and the deconstruction of dominant narratives. She participates regularly in various collaborations and exhibitions globally, notably The Centre for Dying on Stage, Cow House Studios, Ballybawn, 2016; The Villa Iris Visual Arts Workshop, Botín Center, Santander, 2017; The Museum of Odessa Modern Art , Odessa, 2015; Kunstfest Weimar, Weimar, 2015; BBB centre d’Art, Toulouse, 2016; The Triennial of Photography Hamburg, Hamburg, 2018; and the Biennial of Photography Porto, Porto, 2019. Her films have been screened, amongst others, at Tampere Film Festival, Tampere; Hamburg Short Film Festival, Hamburg; and the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam.