
Fellow 2023/2024

Iliada Charalambous

Iliada Charalambous is an artist, and graduate of the Dutch Art Institute, Roaming Academy, Arnhem. Charalambous works with the idea of citizen assemblies as a form of counter-action to the fractured environment shaped by state politics. She works in a variety of collaborative constellations to create spaces for individuals or groups to gather and share ideas, methods, and tools for collective organizing and potential forms of resistance.  

During the Fellowship of Situated Practices she intends to examine the democratic potential and limitations of assembly as a field of inquiry when looking toward potential social change. How can assembly be conceptualized as a tool toward social mobilization that strives for a different future? Her research will focus on assembly as a form of gathering, collective deliberation, and engagement in prefigurative politics, which may contain within itself the possibility to affect the way micro politics are practiced and how alignments, non-alignments, comradeships, and radical friendships can unfold when one is constituting the multitude.  

Charalambous is currently co-organizing with Serda Demir the series Ware Tegenmacht, at Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 2023–24. She has recently exhibited as part of Positions: Elsewheres, Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, 2023; Mingling with Againness, Halle 14, Leipzig, 2023; Traveling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills, Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Utrecht, 2022; and 8th International Degrowth Conference, Nest ruimte voor kunst, The Hague, 2021. She lives and works in Rotterdam and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice. 

Iliada Charalambous

Iliada Charalambous is an artist, and graduate of the Dutch Art Institute, Roaming Academy, Arnhem. Charalambous works with the idea of citizen assemblies as a form of counter-action to the fractured environment shaped by state politics. She works in a variety of collaborative constellations to create spaces for individuals or groups to gather and share ideas, methods, and tools for collective organizing and potential forms of resistance.  

During the Fellowship of Situated Practices she intends to examine the democratic potential and limitations of assembly as a field of inquiry when looking toward potential social change. How can assembly be conceptualized as a tool toward social mobilization that strives for a different future? Her research will focus on assembly as a form of gathering, collective deliberation, and engagement in prefigurative politics, which may contain within itself the possibility to affect the way micro politics are practiced and how alignments, non-alignments, comradeships, and radical friendships can unfold when one is constituting the multitude.  

Charalambous is currently co-organizing with Serda Demir the series Ware Tegenmacht, at Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 2023–24. She has recently exhibited as part of Positions: Elsewheres, Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, 2023; Mingling with Againness, Halle 14, Leipzig, 2023; Traveling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills, Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Utrecht, 2022; and 8th International Degrowth Conference, Nest ruimte voor kunst, The Hague, 2021. She lives and works in Rotterdam and is part of the BAK Cell, Utrecht, in the Fellowship for Situated Practice. 



07 maart–02 juni 2024

Usufructuaries of earth