
Martin Faurby

curator, writer, Danish Art Union UKK, Copenhagen

Carl Martin Faurby is a freelance curator and writer. He often invents platforms for cultural investigations by means of contemporary art, which usually take place outside of institutional contexts. He is the curator of Alt_Cph 15, a non profit and experimental art fair for so-called “alternative art spaces.” Faurby is a member of the board of UKK (Young Artists and Art Workers), an organization that strives for better working conditions for art workers within the first 10 years of their careers, through lobbying and discursive projects. He is the author of Object This Picture (2012/2013) and co-author of Force Majeure (2014), and is a regular contributor to the art magazine Kunsten.nu. Faurby lives and works in Copenhagen. [Last updated 2015]

Openbare redactievergadering

9-10 oktober 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work