

kunstenaar en onderzoeker, Londen

Marsha Bradfield is an artist, curator, writer, educator, and researcher. For the last decade, she has worked almost exclusively in collaboration exploring cultural production through co-authored projects. This research-based approach often results in events that Bradfield later re-presents in publications and performative lectures. These accounts combine the rhetorical styles of fact and fiction as Bradfield works across sites, objects, images, structures, and processes. Her current body of work explores the intersection of economies and ecologies in co-production, and has been developed through her practice with the Precarious Workers Brigade, Critical Practice Research Cluster, and many more besides. Bradfield is co-director of Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre, London; a visiting scholar at Chelsea College of Arts; and has recently joined the Board of Mentors for the Barbican’s Fish Island Labs, London. Bradfield lives and works in London. [Last updated 2015]

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Education Program

24 augustus, 19.00–10 september, 21.00 2020

Online course: How to Assemble Now (BAK Public Studies) [Open Call closed]