

onderzoeker en activist, ESC Atelier, Rome

Claudia Bernardi is an activist and researcher at the self-managed ESC Atelier and founder-member of LUM (Free Metropolitan University) in Rome. She is active in social movements, organizer of various transnational networks, and collaborator of DinamoPress. She has been founder-member of the projects Edufactory and Uninomade. She animated the artistic project Draftsmen Congress in Rome and Kiev, and is currently working to the conception and realization of the transdisciplinary research program Studio Roma. She holds a PhD in Euro-American Studies from the University of Roma Tre (Rome), is a fellow of the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History at Harvard University, and is visiting fellow at the Europa Institut. Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. She co-edited the texts Lessico Marxiano (2009), Towards a Global Autonomous University (2009), and Fare spazio. Pratiche del comune e diritto alla città (2015). She is currently working on a research project focused on the global history of migrant labor and the regimes of mobility in North America and Europe. Bernardi lives and works in Rome. [Last updated 2015]

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4-18 juli 2019

Futures Without…