

schrijver en activist, Athene

Gigi Argyropoulou is a writer, artist, and activist working in the fields of performance and cultural practice. Argyropoulou has initiated and organized cultural programs, festivals, performances, conferences, and cross-disciplinary projects both inside and outside institutions. She is a founding member of Mavili Collective, Institute for Live Arts Research, Green Park, and F2 Performance Unit/Mkultra. As a member of Mavili Collective she co-initiated and took part in the reactivation/occupancy of the Embros Theatre in 2011, as well as a series of other activist/cultural-critique actions in Greece during recent years. Gigi received the Routledge Prize for her PSi 18 (Performance Studies International) conference paper, and her essays have been published in academic journals, magazines, and edited collections. She is a research fellow at Birkbeck College, London, and is currently a co-editor with Hypatia Vourloumis of the upcoming issue of Performance Research “On Institutions.” Argyropoulou is based in Athens and London. [Last updated 2015]

Openbare redactievergadering

9-10 oktober 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work