
Tekst Video

Solidarity with La Colonie

La Colonie opened its doors on rue La Fayette, Paris on 17 October 2016 as a radically open space of discussion and exchange for diverse cultural and political communities. Together with artists, researchers, activists, local residents, and various publics La Colonie seeks to decolonize the conditions of knowledge production and the everyday structures of living together; fathoming a future disentangled from the legacies of colonial violence.

As a critical, independent, and self-supporting space—earning its livelihood through its café and bar—Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on La Colonie. Sadly, La Colonie has been faced with no option but to leave its space. Co-founder and artist Kader Attia stated on Facebook on 20 July 2020 that “we have to fight to find a new space, to exist, to give everyone a voice, to find ourselves in reality. We are already looking for another space in Paris or in the suburbs, to continue the adventure and the struggle.”

Over the years, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst has collaborated several times with Attia and the team of La Colonie. In November 2019, Attia spoke at Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars, in the context of Trainings for the Not-Yet (2019–2020). His contribution “Remembering the Future” was part of the panel “Working in Groups/Acting in Networks,” and described La Colonies engagement, despite rising fascism, in creating a space for healing immaterial injuries and reappropriating the field of emotion. You can watch “Working in Groups/Acting in Networks” in the following videos.


Amid the uncertainty La Colonie is now confronted with, BAK continues to seek tactics of solidarity. In the short term, please support La Colonie in their search for a new space. If you are able, please donate and share the crowdfunding Leetchi and PayPal links.


– The BAK team, 31.07.2020

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