
Mijke van der Drift, Joy Mariama Smith

Consent, Logic, and Loss: Fellows Intensive

In February, the BAK 2019/2020 Fellows come together for another Fellows Intensive. This week experiments with various communication practices being researched by Joy Mariama Smith and Mijke van der Drift, the BAK Fellows who co-convene this intensive along with BAK, and Curator of the BAK 2019/2020 Fellowship Program Whitney Stark and focuses on  consent, and logic and loss.

The Fellows spend time together, share and read texts on consent, logic, and loss, and are joined by guests. Theorist Dinesh Wadiwel presents and speaks to the Fellows on his concepts of lubricative consent and lubricative power; visual artist and choreographer Ahmed El Gendy leads a workshop on duration, proximity, and intimacy; poet, trans/queer activist, and scholar Nat Raha does a workshop exploring experimental writing and textual practices as a means to develop collective intentions and forge relations; and painter, teacher, and tattoo artist Cee Burgandy discusses consent, trauma-informed approaches, and inclusivity in tattooing.

The Fellows also get to know Utrecht a bit more and met with Bart Rutten, Artistic Director at Centraal Museum in Utrecht, seeing on The Tears of Eros, which focuses on sex, fetishism, and taboos.


*They/them/their: third person singular gender-neutral pronoun.

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