

political philosopher and art critic, Berlin/Warsaw

Ewa Majewska is a feminist philosopher and art critic. Since 2003 Majewska has lectured at the Gender Studies in the University of Warsaw, and has worked as adjunct professor at universities of Szczecin and Krakow, Poland. She held post-docs at the universitiy of Berkeley and universitiy of Orebro. She has published two books: Feminizm jako filozofia społeczna (2009) and Sztuka jako pozór? (2013); and has articles in: e-flux, Signs, Nowa Krytyka, Le Monde Diplomatique (PL) and other journals and volumes. She teaches a seminar on Art and public spheres, at the Graduate School of PAN, Warsaw. Currently is a fellow at the ICI Berlin, working on the project “Chasing Europe or on the Semi-Peripheral Publics.” Ewa Majewska is based in Berlin and Warsaw. [Last updated 2015]