

schrijver en politicoloog, New York

Daniel Lazare is a writer and journalist. He studied at the University of Wisconsin and holds a Masters in English Literature from Columbia University, New York. He is currently completing his fourth book entitled From Moses to ISIS: The Intelligent Heretic’s Guide to Monotheism, a materialist history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Lazare has written for The Nation, The London Review of Books, and Jacobin and Consortiumnews websites. He is perhaps best known as a critic of the U.S. Constitution and American politics, government, and social policy in general. He is author of The Velvet Coup: The Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the Decline of American Democracy (2001); America’s Undeclared War: What’s Killing Our Cities and How We Can Stop It (2001); and The Frozen Republic: How the Constitution Is Paralyzing Democracy (1996). Lazare lives and works in New York. [Last updated 2015]