

political philosopher, member of Free/Slow University of Warsaw, Warsaw

Michał Kozłowski is associate professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Warsaw. He received his PhD from EHESS (School for Advanced Studies of the Social Sciences, Paris) in 2004. His work concerns subjectivity, history and historicity, capitalism, and art as a social practice. He makes extensive use the concepts of Foucault, Bourdieu, Marx, Spinoza, and the first generation ideas of Operaismo. He is Editor in Chief of Bez Dogmatu (quarterly review on politics and culture published since 1993), and co-editor of Le Monde Diplomatique. Polish Edition. He has published the books Les contre-pouvoirs de Foucault (2011) and Sprawa Spinozy (2011), and is co-author of the research paper on labor relations in contemporary Polish art The Art Factory (2014). Kozłowski is based in Warsaw. [Last updated 2015]

Openbare redactievergadering

9-10 oktober 2015

Art and Labor After the End of Work